Weekly Practitioners Class
2–Month Series
Recordings will be provided for all online classes.

In-Person Workshops
Saturdays 2025
January 11
Backbends for the new year
10:30 AM–12:30 PM
Santosha Yoga Studio
2 Green Village Rd.
Madison, NJ
In-person: $50
Online: $35
To register, Email Jane Caulfield:
or call Jane: (732)261-3159
These Saturday workshops are appropriate for intermediate students with a minimum of one year of consistent Iyengar Yoga practice. You should be self sufficient in fundamental standing postures, head stand and shoulder stand. If you're not sure, please email me.
photo: Liam Cunningham

A Long Weekend of Yoga, with Matt Dreyfus and Michelle LaRue
Thursday, 8/21 – Sunday, 8/24 2025
Join Michelle and me for a long weekend of rich and rewarding Yoga study at Heathen Hill Yoga Retreat Center in beautiful Franklin, NY. Heathen Hill is located on 10 secluded acres, with plenty of outdoor space, and a swimming hole for cooling off on a warm day.
From $900- $1490
To register, contact Susan Lip Orem: (607) 829-5328
For more info on Heathen Hill, click here:
Annual Spring Retreat at Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing
5/2 – 5/4, 2025
This weekend of Yoga is an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and with nature, to approach your practice and your life in a positive, engaged way. With a particular emphasis on breath, we’ll study integration through asana and pranayama, becoming more refined in how we apply effort toward our aims.
From $430– $830
I am available for private instruction online and in-person in the Hoboken/NYC area.
To learn more, please contact me by clicking "Inquire."
For students who have a background in Iyengar Yoga and are familiar with fundamental standing postures and Sarvangasana (shoulder stand). A full range of postures is taught, including shoulderstand, head balance, full arm balance and postures from all categories
For students new to Iyengar Yoga and those who want to focus on the foundation of the practice. Emphasis is on fundamental postures and actions within standing poses, seated poses, twists, and forward bending. Basic backbending actions, Inversions such as Halasana (plow pose) and Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) are introduced and refined, and Yogic breathing is introduced.
For students who are well practiced in Level 1 postures, including Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulderstand). Basic postures are refined and Sirsasana (headstand), full arm balance, backbends and Pranayama are introduced.
For students with substantial Iyengar Yoga training who are strong in standing postures, able to do Sirsasana with confidence for five minutes and push up into Urdhva Dhanurasana. Sirsasana variations, intermediate postures, and seated Pranayama are taught. Independent practice should be well established.
This moderately paced, less rigorous class is appropriate for new and continuing students of all ages. Support is used so that students can practice with stability and ease.

photo: Gary Spector